Chancellor Jennifer L. Mnookin began her tenure on August 4, 2022. Provost Charles Lee Isbell, Jr. is chief deputy to the chancellor and the university’s chief academic officer. Vice chancellors serve in various capacities, including chief budget and business officer, chief legal counsel, chief university relations officer, and chief research and graduate education officer. The university is organized into schools and colleges, each headed by a dean. The university has several governance groups and works closely with a number of affiliate organizations.
Leadership team

Jennifer Mnookin

Rob Cramer
Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration

Dorota Grejner-Brzezinska
Vice Chancellor for Research

Diana Harvey
Vice Chancellor for Strategic Communication

Charles Lee Isbell, Jr.
Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Acting Vice Chancellor for Inclusive Excellence

Nancy Lynch
Vice Chancellor for Legal Affairs

Jennifer Noyes
Chief of Staff and Senior Advisor, Office of the Chancellor

Lori Reesor
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs

Craig Thompson
Vice Chancellor for University Relations